@SSH2 Bruteforce v2.3 @ 2015!

BSSHv2.3 is a great tool for scanning ssh2 connections by providing a list of IPs and passwords. It is fast, reliable and easy to use. It is written in C++, therefore it is compatible on a large scale of unix systems, both 32 and 64 bits.

Compatible on 32 and 64 bit sistem on a various systems Fast and reliable Easy to use Using fork() hidden process (will appear as /usr/sbin/httpd instead of bssh2 in ps aux command) Making differance between linux sistems and NON-BASH systems The script will run and eventually catch two type of ssh2 connections :

NOBASH (nobash.txt) -> systems that can’t support basic and common SSH2 commands, but can still be used as a sshtunnel (some of them) LINUX (vuln.txt) -> systems that can support basic and common SSH2 commands

Before the scan start you must provide 2 files : scan.log (ips line by line)


ATTENTION: Scan from uid0 servers:

Scan from normal user (not uid0): 1. SCAN A CLASS

SCAN B CLASS # the small one


Download SSH2 Bruteforce v2.3 @ 2015

This software is intended for testing only. Please use it at your own risk!